模拟Tauri API
在编写前端测试时,您有一个“模拟” Tauri 环境来处理窗口或拦截IPC通话是常见的,即所谓的 mocking。 @tauri-apps/api/mocks
IPC 请求
最常见的是,您希望拦截 IPC 请求; 这在各种情况下都很有用:
- 确保进行正确的后端调用
- 模拟后端函数的不同结果
Tauri 提供 mockIPC 函数来拦截 IPC 请求。 您可以 [在此处][mockipc()
]详细了解特定的 API。
import { beforeAll, expect, test } from "vitest";import { randomFillSync } from "crypto";
import { mockIPC } from "@tauri-apps/api/mocks";import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api/tauri";
// jsdom doesn't come with a WebCrypto implementationbeforeAll(() => { Object.defineProperty(window, 'crypto', { value: { // @ts-ignore getRandomValues: (buffer) => { return randomFillSync(buffer); }, }, });});
test("invoke simple", async () => { mockIPC((cmd, args) => { // simulated rust command called "add" that just adds two numbers if(cmd === "add") { return (args.a as number) + (args.b as number); } });});
有时您想跟踪有关 IPC 呼叫的更多信息; 调用了多少次命令? 它被调用了吗? 您可以将 mockIPC()
与其他侦测和 mocking 工具来测试这一点:
import { beforeAll, expect, test, vi } from "vitest";import { randomFillSync } from "crypto";
import { mockIPC } from "@tauri-apps/api/mocks";import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api/tauri";
// jsdom doesn't come with a WebCrypto implementationbeforeAll(() => { Object.defineProperty(window, 'crypto', { value: { // @ts-ignore getRandomValues: (buffer) => { return randomFillSync(buffer); }, }, });});
test("invoke", async () => { mockIPC((cmd, args) => { // simulated rust command called "add" that just adds two numbers if(cmd === "add") { return (args.a as number) + (args.b as number); } });
// we can use the spying tools provided by vitest to track the mocked function const spy = vi.spyOn(window, "__TAURI_IPC__");
expect(invoke("add", { a: 12, b: 15 })).resolves.toBe(27); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();});
要模拟对 sidecar 或 shell 命令的 IPC 请求,当事件 spawn()
或 execute()
被调用时获取处理程序的 ID,并使用此 ID 返回给后端:
mockIPC(async (cmd, args) => { if (args.message.cmd === 'execute') { const eventCallbackId = `_${args.message.onEventFn}`; const eventEmitter = window[eventCallbackId];
// 'Stdout' event can be called multiple times eventEmitter({ event: 'Stdout', payload: 'some data sent from the process', });
// 'Terminated' event must be called at the end to resolve the promise eventEmitter({ event: 'Terminated', payload: { code: 0, signal: 'kill', }, }); }});
有时您有特定于窗口的代码(例如初始屏幕窗口),因此您需要模拟不同的窗口。 您可以使用 mockWindows()
方法来创建假窗口标签。 第一个字符串标识“当前”窗口(即 JavaScript 认为自己所在的窗口),所有其他字符串被视为附加窗口。
import { beforeAll, expect, test } from 'vitest';import { randomFillSync } from 'crypto';
import { mockWindows } from '@tauri-apps/api/mocks';
// jsdom doesn't come with a WebCrypto implementationbeforeAll(() => { Object.defineProperty(window, 'crypto', { value: { // @ts-ignore getRandomValues: (buffer) => { return randomFillSync(buffer); }, }, });});
test('invoke', async () => { mockWindows('main', 'second', 'third');
const { getCurrent, getAll } = await import('@tauri-apps/api/window');
expect(getCurrent()).toHaveProperty('label', 'main'); expect(getAll().map((w) => w.label)).toEqual(['main', 'second', 'third']);});
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