

A list of all permissions that can be used with the core of the Tauri framework.

If you are looking for permissions to specific Tauri plugins, please refer to the Plugins section of the documentation.

Default Permissions

The core:default permission in Tauri automatically adds:

  • core:app:default
  • core:event:default
  • core:image:default
  • core:menu:default
  • core:path:default
  • core:resources:default
  • core:tray:default
  • core:webview:default
  • core:window:default


Default Permission

The default permission, core:app:default, includes the following:

  • allow-version
  • allow-name
  • allow-tauri-version

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:app:allow-app-hide Enables the app_hide command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:deny-app-hide Denies the app_hide command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:allow-app-show Enables the app_show command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:deny-app-show Denies the app_show command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:allow-default-window-icon Enables the default_window_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:deny-default-window-icon Denies the default_window_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:allow-name Enables the name command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:deny-name Denies the name command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:allow-set-app-theme Enables the set_app_theme command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:deny-set-app-theme Denies the set_app_theme command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:allow-tauri-version Enables the tauri_version command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:deny-tauri-version Denies the tauri_version command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:allow-version Enables the version command without any pre-configured scope.
core:app:deny-version Denies the version command without any pre-configured scope.


Default Permission

The default permission, core:event:default, includes the following:

  • allow-listen
  • allow-unlisten
  • allow-emit
  • allow-emit-to

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:event:allow-emit Enables the emit command without any pre-configured scope.
core:event:deny-emit Denies the emit command without any pre-configured scope.
core:event:allow-emit-to Enables the emit_to command without any pre-configured scope.
core:event:deny-emit-to Denies the emit_to command without any pre-configured scope.
core:event:allow-listen Enables the listen command without any pre-configured scope.
core:event:deny-listen Denies the listen command without any pre-configured scope.
core:event:allow-unlisten Enables the unlisten command without any pre-configured scope.
core:event:deny-unlisten Denies the unlisten command without any pre-configured scope.


Default Permission

The default permission, core:image:default, includes the following:

  • allow-new
  • allow-from-bytes
  • allow-from-path
  • allow-rgba
  • allow-size

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:image:allow-from-bytes Enables the from_bytes command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:deny-from-bytes Denies the from_bytes command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:allow-from-path Enables the from_path command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:deny-from-path Denies the from_path command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:allow-new Enables the new command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:deny-new Denies the new command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:allow-rgba Enables the rgba command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:deny-rgba Denies the rgba command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:allow-size Enables the size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:image:deny-size Denies the size command without any pre-configured scope.

Default Permission

The default permission, core:menu:default, includes the following:

  • allow-new
  • allow-append
  • allow-prepend
  • allow-insert
  • allow-remove
  • allow-remove-at
  • allow-items
  • allow-get
  • allow-popup
  • allow-create-default
  • allow-set-as-app-menu
  • allow-set-as-window-menu
  • allow-text
  • allow-set-text
  • allow-is-enabled
  • allow-set-enabled
  • allow-set-accelerator
  • allow-set-as-windows-menu-for-nsapp
  • allow-set-as-help-menu-for-nsapp
  • allow-is-checked
  • allow-set-checked
  • allow-set-icon

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:menu:allow-append Enables the append command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-append Denies the append command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-create-default Enables the create_default command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-create-default Denies the create_default command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-get Enables the get command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-get Denies the get command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-insert Enables the insert command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-insert Denies the insert command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-is-checked Enables the is_checked command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-is-checked Denies the is_checked command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-is-enabled Enables the is_enabled command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-is-enabled Denies the is_enabled command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-items Enables the items command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-items Denies the items command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-new Enables the new command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-new Denies the new command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-popup Enables the popup command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-popup Denies the popup command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-prepend Enables the prepend command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-prepend Denies the prepend command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-remove Enables the remove command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-remove Denies the remove command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-remove-at Enables the remove_at command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-remove-at Denies the remove_at command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-accelerator Enables the set_accelerator command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-accelerator Denies the set_accelerator command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-as-app-menu Enables the set_as_app_menu command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-as-app-menu Denies the set_as_app_menu command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-as-help-menu-for-nsapp Enables the set_as_help_menu_for_nsapp command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-as-help-menu-for-nsapp Denies the set_as_help_menu_for_nsapp command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-as-window-menu Enables the set_as_window_menu command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-as-window-menu Denies the set_as_window_menu command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-as-windows-menu-for-nsapp Enables the set_as_windows_menu_for_nsapp command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-as-windows-menu-for-nsapp Denies the set_as_windows_menu_for_nsapp command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-checked Enables the set_checked command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-checked Denies the set_checked command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-enabled Enables the set_enabled command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-enabled Denies the set_enabled command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-icon Enables the set_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-icon Denies the set_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-set-text Enables the set_text command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-set-text Denies the set_text command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:allow-text Enables the text command without any pre-configured scope.
core:menu:deny-text Denies the text command without any pre-configured scope.


Default Permission

The default permission, core:path:default, includes the following:

  • allow-resolve-directory
  • allow-resolve
  • allow-normalize
  • allow-join
  • allow-dirname
  • allow-extname
  • allow-basename
  • allow-is-absolute

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:path:allow-basename Enables the basename command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:deny-basename Denies the basename command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:allow-dirname Enables the dirname command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:deny-dirname Denies the dirname command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:allow-extname Enables the extname command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:deny-extname Denies the extname command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:allow-is-absolute Enables the is_absolute command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:deny-is-absolute Denies the is_absolute command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:allow-join Enables the join command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:deny-join Denies the join command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:allow-normalize Enables the normalize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:deny-normalize Denies the normalize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:allow-resolve Enables the resolve command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:deny-resolve Denies the resolve command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:allow-resolve-directory Enables the resolve_directory command without any pre-configured scope.
core:path:deny-resolve-directory Denies the resolve_directory command without any pre-configured scope.


Default Permission

The default permission, core:resources:default, includes the following:

  • allow-close

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:resources:allow-close Enables the close command without any pre-configured scope.
core:resources:deny-close Denies the close command without any pre-configured scope.


Default Permission

The default permission, core:tray:default, includes the following:

  • allow-new
  • allow-get-by-id
  • allow-remove-by-id
  • allow-set-icon
  • allow-set-menu
  • allow-set-tooltip
  • allow-set-title
  • allow-set-visible
  • allow-set-temp-dir-path
  • allow-set-icon-as-template
  • allow-set-show-menu-on-left-click

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:tray:allow-get-by-id Enables the get_by_id command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-get-by-id Denies the get_by_id command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-new Enables the new command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-new Denies the new command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-remove-by-id Enables the remove_by_id command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-remove-by-id Denies the remove_by_id command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-set-icon Enables the set_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-set-icon Denies the set_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-set-icon-as-template Enables the set_icon_as_template command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-set-icon-as-template Denies the set_icon_as_template command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-set-menu Enables the set_menu command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-set-menu Denies the set_menu command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-set-show-menu-on-left-click Enables the set_show_menu_on_left_click command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-set-show-menu-on-left-click Denies the set_show_menu_on_left_click command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-set-temp-dir-path Enables the set_temp_dir_path command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-set-temp-dir-path Denies the set_temp_dir_path command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-set-title Enables the set_title command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-set-title Denies the set_title command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-set-tooltip Enables the set_tooltip command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-set-tooltip Denies the set_tooltip command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:allow-set-visible Enables the set_visible command without any pre-configured scope.
core:tray:deny-set-visible Denies the set_visible command without any pre-configured scope.


Default Permission

The default permission, core:webview:default, includes the following:

  • allow-get-all-webviews
  • allow-webview-position
  • allow-webview-size
  • allow-internal-toggle-devtools

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:webview:allow-clear-all-browsing-data Enables the clear_all_browsing_data command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-clear-all-browsing-data Denies the clear_all_browsing_data command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-create-webview Enables the create_webview command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-create-webview Denies the create_webview command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-create-webview-window Enables the create_webview_window command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-create-webview-window Denies the create_webview_window command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-get-all-webviews Enables the get_all_webviews command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-get-all-webviews Denies the get_all_webviews command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-internal-toggle-devtools Enables the internal_toggle_devtools command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-internal-toggle-devtools Denies the internal_toggle_devtools command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-print Enables the print command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-print Denies the print command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-reparent Enables the reparent command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-reparent Denies the reparent command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-set-webview-focus Enables the set_webview_focus command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-set-webview-focus Denies the set_webview_focus command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-set-webview-position Enables the set_webview_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-set-webview-position Denies the set_webview_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-set-webview-size Enables the set_webview_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-set-webview-size Denies the set_webview_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-set-webview-zoom Enables the set_webview_zoom command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-set-webview-zoom Denies the set_webview_zoom command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-webview-close Enables the webview_close command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-webview-close Denies the webview_close command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-webview-hide Enables the webview_hide command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-webview-hide Denies the webview_hide command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-webview-position Enables the webview_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-webview-position Denies the webview_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-webview-show Enables the webview_show command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-webview-show Denies the webview_show command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:allow-webview-size Enables the webview_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:webview:deny-webview-size Denies the webview_size command without any pre-configured scope.


Default Permission

The default permission, core:window:default, includes the following:

  • allow-get-all-windows
  • allow-scale-factor
  • allow-inner-position
  • allow-outer-position
  • allow-inner-size
  • allow-outer-size
  • allow-is-fullscreen
  • allow-is-minimized
  • allow-is-maximized
  • allow-is-focused
  • allow-is-decorated
  • allow-is-resizable
  • allow-is-maximizable
  • allow-is-minimizable
  • allow-is-closable
  • allow-is-visible
  • allow-is-enabled
  • allow-title
  • allow-current-monitor
  • allow-primary-monitor
  • allow-monitor-from-point
  • allow-available-monitors
  • allow-cursor-position
  • allow-theme
  • allow-internal-toggle-maximize

Permission Table

Identifier Description
core:window:allow-available-monitors Enables the available_monitors command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-available-monitors Denies the available_monitors command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-center Enables the center command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-center Denies the center command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-close Enables the close command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-close Denies the close command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-create Enables the create command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-create Denies the create command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-current-monitor Enables the current_monitor command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-current-monitor Denies the current_monitor command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-cursor-position Enables the cursor_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-cursor-position Denies the cursor_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-destroy Enables the destroy command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-destroy Denies the destroy command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-get-all-windows Enables the get_all_windows command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-get-all-windows Denies the get_all_windows command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-hide Enables the hide command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-hide Denies the hide command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-inner-position Enables the inner_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-inner-position Denies the inner_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-inner-size Enables the inner_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-inner-size Denies the inner_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-internal-toggle-maximize Enables the internal_toggle_maximize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-internal-toggle-maximize Denies the internal_toggle_maximize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-closable Enables the is_closable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-closable Denies the is_closable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-decorated Enables the is_decorated command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-decorated Denies the is_decorated command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-enabled Enables the is_enabled command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-enabled Denies the is_enabled command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-focused Enables the is_focused command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-focused Denies the is_focused command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-fullscreen Enables the is_fullscreen command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-fullscreen Denies the is_fullscreen command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-maximizable Enables the is_maximizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-maximizable Denies the is_maximizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-maximized Enables the is_maximized command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-maximized Denies the is_maximized command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-minimizable Enables the is_minimizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-minimizable Denies the is_minimizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-minimized Enables the is_minimized command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-minimized Denies the is_minimized command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-resizable Enables the is_resizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-resizable Denies the is_resizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-is-visible Enables the is_visible command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-is-visible Denies the is_visible command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-maximize Enables the maximize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-maximize Denies the maximize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-minimize Enables the minimize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-minimize Denies the minimize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-monitor-from-point Enables the monitor_from_point command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-monitor-from-point Denies the monitor_from_point command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-outer-position Enables the outer_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-outer-position Denies the outer_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-outer-size Enables the outer_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-outer-size Denies the outer_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-primary-monitor Enables the primary_monitor command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-primary-monitor Denies the primary_monitor command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-request-user-attention Enables the request_user_attention command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-request-user-attention Denies the request_user_attention command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-scale-factor Enables the scale_factor command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-scale-factor Denies the scale_factor command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-always-on-bottom Enables the set_always_on_bottom command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-always-on-bottom Denies the set_always_on_bottom command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-always-on-top Enables the set_always_on_top command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-always-on-top Denies the set_always_on_top command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-closable Enables the set_closable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-closable Denies the set_closable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-content-protected Enables the set_content_protected command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-content-protected Denies the set_content_protected command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-cursor-grab Enables the set_cursor_grab command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-cursor-grab Denies the set_cursor_grab command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-cursor-icon Enables the set_cursor_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-cursor-icon Denies the set_cursor_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-cursor-position Enables the set_cursor_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-cursor-position Denies the set_cursor_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-cursor-visible Enables the set_cursor_visible command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-cursor-visible Denies the set_cursor_visible command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-decorations Enables the set_decorations command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-decorations Denies the set_decorations command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-effects Enables the set_effects command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-effects Denies the set_effects command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-enabled Enables the set_enabled command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-enabled Denies the set_enabled command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-focus Enables the set_focus command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-focus Denies the set_focus command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-fullscreen Enables the set_fullscreen command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-fullscreen Denies the set_fullscreen command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-icon Enables the set_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-icon Denies the set_icon command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-ignore-cursor-events Enables the set_ignore_cursor_events command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-ignore-cursor-events Denies the set_ignore_cursor_events command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-max-size Enables the set_max_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-max-size Denies the set_max_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-maximizable Enables the set_maximizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-maximizable Denies the set_maximizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-min-size Enables the set_min_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-min-size Denies the set_min_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-minimizable Enables the set_minimizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-minimizable Denies the set_minimizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-position Enables the set_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-position Denies the set_position command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-progress-bar Enables the set_progress_bar command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-progress-bar Denies the set_progress_bar command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-resizable Enables the set_resizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-resizable Denies the set_resizable command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-shadow Enables the set_shadow command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-shadow Denies the set_shadow command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-size Enables the set_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-size Denies the set_size command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-size-constraints Enables the set_size_constraints command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-size-constraints Denies the set_size_constraints command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-skip-taskbar Enables the set_skip_taskbar command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-skip-taskbar Denies the set_skip_taskbar command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-theme Enables the set_theme command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-theme Denies the set_theme command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-title Enables the set_title command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-title Denies the set_title command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-title-bar-style Enables the set_title_bar_style command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-title-bar-style Denies the set_title_bar_style command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-set-visible-on-all-workspaces Enables the set_visible_on_all_workspaces command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-set-visible-on-all-workspaces Denies the set_visible_on_all_workspaces command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-show Enables the show command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-show Denies the show command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-start-dragging Enables the start_dragging command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-start-dragging Denies the start_dragging command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-start-resize-dragging Enables the start_resize_dragging command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-start-resize-dragging Denies the start_resize_dragging command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-theme Enables the theme command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-theme Denies the theme command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-title Enables the title command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-title Denies the title command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-toggle-maximize Enables the toggle_maximize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-toggle-maximize Denies the toggle_maximize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-unmaximize Enables the unmaximize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-unmaximize Denies the unmaximize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:allow-unminimize Enables the unminimize command without any pre-configured scope.
core:window:deny-unminimize Denies the unminimize command without any pre-configured scope.

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